1.-PLACENTA ACRETA.-El término placenta acreta se usa para describir cualquier implantación en la cual hay adherencias anormalmente firme a la pared del utero,como consecuencia la falta parcial o total de la decidua basal y el desarrollo imperfecto de la capa de nitabuch o fibrinoide , las vellosidades coriales están fijas al miometrio en la placenta acreta.
2.-PLACENTA INCRETA.-las vellosidades invaden el miometrio .
3.-PLACENTA PERCRETA.-las vellosidades penetran através del miometrio ,pueden llegar a región vesical.
El principal factor de riesgo para la placenta accreta , es cirugia uterina previa ,más comunmente ocurre en pacientes que han tenido placenta previa y partos por cesárea .La incidencia de placenta acreta ha ido en aumento 3/1000 en la decada del 2000 sigue en un valor cercano de 2/1000 .incluso algunos paises tienen unidades (multidisciplinarios ,cirujano ,anestesiologo,urologo, intensivista , ginecologo obstetra , neonatologo ,banco de sangre) exclusivas dedicadas al tratamiento de placenta acreta ,donde son transferidos los pacientes con este diagnóstico -
1.-PLACENTA ACRETA.-The term placenta accreta is used to describe any implantation in which there are abnormally firm adhesions to the wall of the uterus, as a consequence of the partial or total lack of the decidua basalis and the imperfect development of the nitabuch layer. or fibrinoid, the chorionic villi are attached to the myometrium in the placenta accreta.
2.-PLACENTA INCRETA.-the villi invade the myometrium.
3.-PLACENTA PERCRETA.-the villi penetrate through the myometrium, they can reach the bladder region.
The main risk factor for placenta accreta is prior uterine surgery, most commonly occurring in patients who have had placenta previa and cesarean deliveries. The incidence of placenta accreta has been increasing 3/1000 in the 2000s and continues value close to 2/1000. Some countries even have units (multidisciplinary, surgeon, anesthesiologist, urologist, intensivist, obstetrician gynecologist, neonatologist, blood bank) exclusively dedicated to the treatment of placenta accreta, where patients with this diagnosis are transferred -
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